Thursday, June 25, 2009

This is magic...

A woman in my class gave a presentation today on graffiti. She presumed we all knew who Banksy was. Not so, at least for me.

I don't actually remember a lot about what she said unfortunately, however I did remember the images. They are awesome.

I looked up some of his work tonight on the Internet as it intrigued me so much. My fave is the little girl with the balloon.

I'm ashamed to say I didn't know who Banksy was until today, however I am over the moon that now I do. See? I not only finished a course, but learnt something too. Fancy that!

If you don't already know about Banksy, I urge you to check it work out... go on, it's as easy as typing Banksy in your google search box.

I found this on the back of a toilet door... thought it was cute and took a photo. x

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Adore Her...

Absolutely Adore!

Oh yeah... did I mention how much I adore her?