Thursday, November 12, 2009

What was that about tiny ears?

You said "who cares about tiny ears?".

It turns out... I do!

Those one-size-fits-all style headphones they give out on planes rely purely on clasping to the foundation of a normal sized ear - meaning; the majority.

We are not part of this majority nor do these not-so-nifty headphone inventions benefit us in any way, shape or form - we clearly weren't made for this.

Excluded by Airlines! Now are you SURE you'd wish this on the kids? :P

Nearly like home.

Friends, Sex and the City, Gossip Girl...

I could be in our room right now... although then a crucial ingredient would be missing.

HINT = Starts with a F, ends in a X.


Sick Creature From The Plane - 39D continued.

Sitting next to the sickest creature in the world - I feel for you, really I do - but PLEASE go splatter your illness else where.

You are NOT and I repeat - NOT - healthy enough to fly!


WOW - the guy across from me seems about as sick as I am sure Felix is right about now.

Although I must say I would rather Felix's germs all up in my space than this random's.

Suddenly feeling very ill... Thanks 39D!


WHY call them flight attendants when it is clear they don't actually attend to anything at all?

Or are they attending the flight literally?

Me = confused.

Oh yes, I get it... they're all out hanging off the wings using their super powers to push it along with their mighty morphin power ranger strength. Yes?

Oh no wait, that's them there... standing up the back having their 'tea-time' and a good old scallywag!

PS - Do I get money back for a non-functional in flight entertainment unit and crappy, shitty 'attendance' or LACK there of?

Plane Food.

Plane food is expected to be bad - but this... Air France WHERE are your standards???

Or is it foolish of me to have thought we would receive anything but this, given our previous French dining experiences?

You may have liked it though - apple sauce, choc galore and mini bite sized choc pieces for after coffee.

Oh and RANDOM - the only place in France you find a half decent coffee is on the plane leaving the country? Albeit filter coffee...

Now THAT I had not expected!